Inspiring customers With unparalleled Geberit service

When buying a shower toilet, you want to count on an experienced partner. This is precisely where Geberit comes in with its comprehensive service promise: customised sales documents, sales training, and a complete after-sales service for your customers.

Trust in good quality An experience for everyone

Established brands provide all the reassurance customers are looking for when deciding to buy a high-quality product. As your experienced partner, Geberit offers valuable support both for you during the sales journey and for your customers once they have made their purchase.

The entire experience proves a hit with our valued showroom consultants, not to mention plumbers and end customers, time after time. Watch our video to learn more.

Offer expert guidance

Geberit training courses enable you to correctly assess your customers'construction situations and needs.

Benefit from professional advertising resources

Geberit’s high-quality sales documents help you having impactful conversations with your customers.

Attractive presentation

Our showroom and test models allow you to bring AquaClean to life for your customers in your showroom.

Count on well-informed customers

Our widely distributed shower toilet campaigns ensure your customers are already pre-informed when visiting your showroom


We guarantee you visibility on our channels so that potential customers can find their way to your showrooms.

Leave your customers in good hands

The Geberit customer service team will provide your customers with competent answers to any questions they may have about their shower toilet.

Trust in technical innovations

Our remote maintenance service rectifies faults on your customer’s device directly from the Geberit head office.

Home delivery

Your customers will find all the consumables they need for their shower toilet in the Geberit Web Shop.

Your customers will be delighted: The unique remote support service is unlike anything they have experienced before. All being well, the device is ready for use again after the remote support session without having to wait for an on-site appointment with a service technician.

Benefits of Geberit remote support

All being well, the device is ready for use again after the remote support session without having to wait for an on-site appointment with a service technician.

Sign up for a Geberit training course Learn more about AquaClean

Registration for Geberit training
  • Introduction to the world of Geberit AquaClean
  • Discover all the shower and comfort functions
  • Learn how to assess construction situations and prepare for installation appropriately
  • Learn more about different customer types and the target market for each model
  • Take part in a workshop to experience AquaClean installation and commissioning live
  • Put your newly acquired knowledge into practice on the functional exhibit and put the models into operation
  • Pick up tips on how to quickly introduce customers to AquaClean and the best ways to take care of it

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